Author - ODOllie

Shirt Color Picking Guide

It is independence from relying on your significant other’s recommendations just to perform the simple act of getting dressed. It is the one true word. It is how to pick a shirt.


Seasons ‘Must-Have’ Piece

Summer has come and gone, bringing on Autumn in full-force. It's time to welcome the season where the leaves turn brown and begin to fall; the season starts to transform.


Perfect Perfume & Cologne

Perfumes and colognes are scents that men and women wear to enhance their beauty or even attract a potential mate. They can lift a moon or evoke your fond memories in the past.


Etiam laoreet sem

Quisque elementum nibh at dolor pellentesque, a eleifend libero pharetra. Mauris neque felis, volutpat nec ullamcorper eget, sagittis vel enim. Nam sit amet ante egestas, gravida tellus vitae, semper eros. Nullam mattis mi at metus egestas, in porttitor lectus sodales. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate laborum vero voluptatum. Lorem quasi aliquid maiores iusto suscipit perspiciatis a aspernatur et fuga repudiandae deleniti excepturi nesciunt animi reprehenderit similique sit. ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Qui at laborum...


T-Shirts as Minimalist Style

You don't need a ton of clothes to look great every day. Streamlining your wardrobe to only the kind of clothes you'll actually wear that will, in fact, save you a great deal of time and stress.


Model Skin Care Essentials

Yeah, watching models do their thing during Fashion Month and the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show looks like some non-stop, wildly glamorous event,


Space-saving Closet Secrets

Here is 12+ years worth of tips on how to cram your stuff into the minimal space you have. Women may benefit the most from these tips, but men might learn a thing or two!


World Travel in Style

The "airport outfit" has to be comfortable enough for sitting on a plane for at least several hours, but also pulled-together enough that you can deplane at your destination.


Becoming a Model Guide

There are many myths about the modeling profession that can create confusion for new models, which may stop them from pursuing their lifelong dream.


Sleek Minimalist Design

A sitting area in the library of a minimalist Tuscan home overlooks the Maremma parkland; the Le Corbusier chairs are from Cassina, and the rug is by Golran.